Pet Insurance Claims and how they work for you

If you have pet insurance, and wish to claim for your pet’s veterinary fees, we are more than happy to process this for you.

To ensure a smooth claims process, we ask that you read through the information below and bring the necessary documents with the relevant sections completed.

We cannot proceed with your Direct Claim without this information and will thus require payment in full on the day of your pet’s treatment.

Routine claims and continuation claims

You will be asked to pay on the day for treatment. We will complete the claim form for payment to be reimbursed directly to you, by your insurance company.

Please bring your policy and claim form with you when presenting your pet for treatment ensuring that the policyholder has signed the form, together with their name, address and policy number. We will complete the veterinary sections of the insurance form and submit it to your insurance company on your behalf.

Direct claims

Under certain circumstances, we can claim your pet’s veterinary fees directly from your insurance company. For this to be the case, you must meet the following criteria:

  • The initial treatment or procedure amount exceeds £250.00.
  • The direct claim has been authorised by the practice, prior to your pet’s treatment.
  • A Direct Insurance Claim Agreement form (which can be downloaded from our website or provided by the practice on arrival) has been completed by you.
  • Administration fees have been paid upfront. There is a £25 admin charge for each new direct claim with a small continuation fee of £5.20 charged for each subsequent claim, for that condition. Please note, your insurance company will not normally cover this charge, and this fee is non-refundable.
  • The policy excess, and co-payments, if applicable, must be paid at the time of treatment.

The acceptance of a Direct Insurance Claim is at the discretion of the practice.

We regularly review insurance providers, and their payments to us. In some cases, it may not be possible for us to complete a direct claim with your insurance provider. We will inform you if this applies to your claim(s).

The account holder remains liable for any outstanding balance not covered by their insurance policy or any claim that is declined by their insurance provider.

Please remember that an insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company, not the veterinary practice, and it is your responsibility to understand the restrictions of your specific policy.

Insurance Companies are unable to discuss your policy with the veterinary surgery, unless you have given them permission to do so. Please contact your insurance company to provide this consent, to help us process your claim.